About Kim Goldberg
I’m a freelance writer, poet, journalist, and the author of eight books of poetry and non-fiction. I have supported myself as a self-employed and self-assigning writer most of my adult life. No masters, no slaves.
A list of my publications is here on my Pig Squash Press blog.
I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology (University of Oregon, 1977). Not surprisingly, environmental issues have featured prominently in my writing over the years. Other issues I have devoted much ink to include social justice, Indigenous rights, women’s rights, anti-nuclear issues, media control and concentration of ownership, and the promise and potential of citizen-controlled media (community radio and community television).
I have always occupied the Green-Left end of the political spectrum. However, such labels are rapidly losing coherence on our pandemic landscape, which has transformed Green and Left voices into shrill censors and the vanguard of medical apartheid and a biosecurity state in service to pharmaceutical corporations. But as Salman Rushdie writes in the opening pages of Satanic Verses, “When you throw everything up in the air anything becomes possible.” Perhaps that is the phase we are collectively now shifting into—a breaking down of boundaries and easy categorizations, a time of great instability but also great promise and potential for new formations.
All content on my Substack will always be available for free. I may at some point add a paid tier for those who would like to support what I do. But there will likely be no perk for that. Or maybe a complimentary book of mine to paid subscribers.
I’m a birdwatcher, hiker and lover of science fiction.
My most recent books are listed here, with short descriptions:
Twitter: @KimPigSquash