Thanks Kim.

Also thanks for your photos posted to Facebook regarding the old growth movement on Vancouver Island.

I went overseas for 15 years. Returned in 2019 and find much of the left in 2022 to be mired in a morass of victimhood and venom.

Time to move on and work with our brothers and sisters around the world getting positive things done.

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absolutely! Agree 100%. We need to seek out and connect with those who are getting things done. The planet needs us.

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Those of us who treat the mission of the Green Party seriously: viz., the kind of inter-party mission that extends good will to each party in the cause of building consensus for climate and social policy solutions [that Elizabeth May was promoting circa 2008], should be trying to get informal community groups and independent activists using @SDGaction on Twitter to develop an understanding across all sectors of society on just what must be accomplished by 2025 and 2030. We need to maintain an active thread on this.

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Wow....I think it's worse in Canada than even California!

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Canada is worse right now. Don't know how it happened. But Canada went full-tilt mad dog authoritarian.

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"Because once mass hypnosis is established, the mesmerized have become a loaded gun that can be aimed any direction." Brilliant. I wrote about this horrifying social divide that has been created by mass formation psychosis in my Substack article, "The New Two Solitudes," after I received a similar email, though not nearly as vitriolic as the ones you're describing here. I'm sorry you've had to endure such hatred. Thank you for your courage. Stay strong. https://seanarthurjoyce.substack.com/p/the-new-two-solitudes?s=w

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Thanks for sharing the link, Art!

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Sad and increasingly scary times. It's like we just discovered hate and we can't get enough.

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Thanks Kim. <3

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Thanks Thomas. :)

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Kim, Thanks for your valiant efforts to galvanize the Resistance to this ridiculous repressive rhetoric. We wonder how it is the Russians can be mesmerized by their government into believing their country is not invading Ukraine or attacking its cities, and yet millions of supposedly progressive Canadians and Americans have allowed themselves to buy into its equivalent regarding the absolute necessity of forcing people to take clearly risky and ineffective Covid shots. Don't let this army of brainwashed zombies get you down!

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Thanks Bill! :)

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Thank you Kim. As a life-long lefty I appreciate your take.

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Thanks Leah! It's been a hard and strange time for those of us who are life-long Leftys.

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Another lefty who has joined the politically homeless ranks.

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Thanks for sharing the mural and your experiences of Leftist hatred. Your article is eloquent and insightful and helps shed further light on the Mass Formation Psychosis knows as addiction to the Covid narrative. Thank You.

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Thanks David!

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Thanks so much for this piece, Kim! I'm so sorry you've experienced this vitriol because of your courage to speak and share information. Astounded at the message from your colleague and friend - which shows a normalization of scorn and righteous judgement, on top of enemy-making. I would love to read your thoughts on how to shift this situation (the essay you wanted to write)!

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Thanks Sharon. I guess I will write that essay eventually - about the solutions, with ways to deprogram the hypnotized. I became too dispirited to go at it with any enthusiasm. But my ideas about how to do it relate directly to Dark Mountain and their manifesto. So you will know where I'm coming from on that as a fellow Mountaineer! I answered in a bit more detail to Mike further up: https://kimgoldbergx1.substack.com/p/freedoms-just-another-word/comment/5435421

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Yes, I did see your reply when I read through the comment thread - can't agree more, obviously!

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wise words.. thank you!

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Kim, please share you thoughts on how we might ethically de-progam at least some of those hypnotized. I have tendered some tentative ideas on my Tweets, and GETTRs, but nothing revolutionary. Thanks

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I have grown quite cynical and disillusioned recently about the likelihood of deprogramming anyone at this stage... Although I myself was deprogrammed. But my deprogramming occurred over 12 months, and earlier in this whole nightmare.

It now feels like the longer people remain in the mass formation, and the deeper they invest in the concept of unvaxxed as pestilent disease vectors (which I did not ever hold that belief), the harder and perhaps impossible it is for them to exit.

But initially my ideas for deprogramming were along the lines of face-to-face interactions, which is why I am currently trying to organize coffee meet-ups with friends, especially writers friends, I haven't seen since before covid. I am getting mixed results.

I also believe that the way out will involve replacing the old myths with new stories, new and better more honest maps of reality. But although I spend a lot of time doing this on twitter (posting the dissident information from dissident doctors and scientists)... I don't think that will be effective in deprogramming anyone.

I think the new myths need to be generated in the creative arts - as fiction, poetry, art, theatre, music. This is the premise of the Dark Mountain Project in the UK which I have been involved with as a contributor to their anthologies for many years... The notion that in the context of planetary survival we need to replace the old myths (eg, endless growth, humans are separate from nature, technology fixes everything) with new myths that we as visionaries need to write or paint or compose and offer to the world. https://dark-mountain.net/about/

Paul Kingsnorth is one of the founders of Dark Mountain Project. He is now writing fulltime, including here on Substack where he has done some great articles on Covid insanity. https://paulkingsnorth.substack.com/

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Thanks for the reply Kim.

You have some visionary ideas, and the proposed program is ambitious. I am subscribed to Paul Kingsnorth. I don't recall a post from him recently.

With respect to getting personal acquaintances to see that they have been lied to, made fearful, and abandoned critical thinking, I am often loathe to even tackle relatives and friends who are embedded in the propaganda matrix. I have managed to let a very few see that they have been hoodwinked, but it is a slow process, leaking a bit of counter-evidence at a time.

Like you, I am so perplexed that both greens and the left, not necessarily the same people, have become so tribal, unable to even suspect that they have been lied to. All because contrary information must be a right wing fascist view, right?

I am not sure if my efforts at aggregation on Twitter or GETTR are useful; preaching to the converted perhaps. Sure takes up an inordinate amount of my time, and I am finding that my jaw clenches a lot these days.

I asked Mark Changizi, a cognitive scientist, who is independent of institutional affiliation, if he had any thoughts on how to ethically lead people to see that they have been lied to: repeatedly, shamelessly, ruthlessly. He replied that he and a a group of researchers are working on the issue, and referred me to another website. I have not followed up on that. I will post if I find out more.


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I would be interested in the website mark changizi referred you too. i can't help but reflect on fact that the way professional deprogrammers "rescue" people from religious cults is they actually kidnap them and keep them in motel somewhere for a few weeks, presumably re-educating them somehow and exposing them to love from family members. So I remind myself of how hard it really is to deprogram even one person when i feel frustrated in my daily life by my previously rational friends who cannot see how brainwashed they are, who keep reciting government talking points and calling it "science" to justify their fear of unvaxxed, their support of mandates/passports/restrictions etc.

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From an exchange with Mark Changizi

Mike Zimmer, Mar 1

Mark Changizi, in your various presentations, have you anywhere discussed how to de-program, ethically, those who have succumbed to the fear mongering, propaganda, group think, confirmation bias and entrenched but erroneous belief. I have succeeded in only a few cases, and do not have a good handle on a workable approach. In a lot of cases, I am loathe to even broach the idea that people may have been mislead; the reaction and personal cost can be soul destroying.

Mark Changizi, Mar 1

Currently part of what we’re working on at FreeX.group https://www.freex.group/

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Yes, Kingsnorth's Vaccine Moment series is powerful and haunting.

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Awesome Kim. I used to live on Vancouver Island (born and raised, recently moved to New Brunswick) and heard you read poetry on a few occasions. Glad to see you’re still thinking and writing and fighting.

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Thanks! :)

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Awesome Kim. I used to live on Vancouver Island (born and raised, recently moved to New Brunswick) and heard you read poetry on a few occasions. Glad to see you’re still thinking and writing and fighting.

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So excited to discover a fellow writer and narrative-skeptical voice on this beautiful May day in Toronto. In case it's of interest, a few months ago I wrote a piece for the Brownstone Institute called the Freedumb Fallacy. https://brownstone.org/articles/the-freedumb-fallacy/

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Oh great! I look forward to reading that. Beautiful sunny day here in Nanaimo :)

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Hoo! This is a brilliant essay! Presenting reason & truth succinctly - such reason & truth that should be so self-evident, but which, through the success of mass formation/ calculated propaganda as a spectacular phenomenon, that has afflicted the majority (the majority!) of people, no matter their intelligence. This phenomenon is of terrifying proportions. We thought the Holocaust taught us the possibility of human evil & the acceptance of it in our midst so that such history would not be repeated. But here we are. You essay, Kim, is so important! A shining beacon of intelligent reasoning. Thank you.

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Thank you very much, Pat. There is a lot of work to do.

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Thanks for this link, Mike!

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