In my previous essay (Covid-19 and the Green Void), I examined the dogmatic fervor of the Left endorsing draconian and discriminatory vaccine mandates and health passes.
If you are willing to kick over the beehive of modern liberalism you will see the true face and the true nature of the ruling class war against the people with crystal clarity.
If one attempts to understand the last 18 months through the lens of a "viral event" they are forever trapped in a world of contradictions and outright lies.
The manufactured perception that there was such an event is an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering. All of this has been made possible through institutional programming and accelerated media messaging disallowing basic cognitive processes and eliminating critical thinking possibilities.
“Covid19” is a crime scene operation not a “pandemic”.
The overwhelming evidence that “Covid19” is a massive scam has been at everyone’s fingertips this entire time. Just because the "true believers" of the Covid operation can’t figure this out by now doesn’t make me a “conspiracy theorist”—it makes them a simpleton of the lowest order.
The Pharma ghouls and their investors do not care how many people die. They do not care how many people get hurt. All that matters is protecting the “vaccine narrative.” That narrative is worth trillions of dollars and it’s the key to the largest power grab in human history.
Pharma is the principle racket today, even more so than the military-industrial complex and it is
tightly controlled by the financial aristocracy.
The government, Big Pharma, and central banks are using the excuse of a “virus” to hide from the fact that they’re assaulting us on all fronts. And millions of people are signing up for a poisonous, experimental gene therapy believing it’ll protect them from a make-believe virus.
"Covid-19" has never been about an epidemiological emergency it is about the collapse of the financial system.
“Covid19” is designed for:
1) Redistribution of wealth aka THEFT (from the poor and middle class to the insanely rich);
2) Fear-induced digital enslavement- The Great Reset/4th IR;
3) Pharma making trillions in profit and introduction of mRNA gravy train;
4) Constant bailouts for the financial sector;
5) Entrenchment of the Bio-Security State;
Rather than focus on the manufactured in silico "disease" best to focus on the crimes such as but not limited to:
1) Largest transfer of wealth to investor class in history- theft of tax dollars;
2) Slaughter of elderly in care homes through forced improper medical protocols;
3) Destruction of millions of businesses through illegal policies;
4) Fraudulent trials and marketing of experimental medical product;
5) Reckless endangerment of the public through forced inoculations;
6) Media manipulation of public using illegal fear tactics to induce compliance;
This is not going to stop until people make it stop. These governments know full well that “Covid” is being used as cover for crashing the economies in the Western world. There is not now and never has been a “pandemic”- that is all Kabuki theater to disguise the reality of the rapid economic decline brought on by the Ponzi Schemes of financial institutions over the past few decades.
I agree with everything that you say EXCEPT, you imply that there is no virus, just an in silico fabrication. There is a virus. Hundreds of studies have been done on it and its grandchildren. It has been seen, cultivated, manipulated, and probed. Trustworthy doctors have treated thousands of people sick with covid, most of them using banned drugs which work. The state of Uttar Pradesh has practically eradicated the disease with ivermectin. They changed the definition of pandemic to exclude widespread fatality, so covid meets the new definition of merely extensive transmission. The numbers have been manipulated, mostly by bribery, in order to induce fear, and everything about it, except that there is an extant viral disease which can be, but doesn't have to be either serious or fatal, and affects only the elderly and those with severe comorbidities, is a hoax.
Can you send me one study where the virus has been purified and has been taken from a live patient.
If the particles that are claimed to be to be SARS-CoV-2 have not been purified the RNA gene sequences of these particles cannot be said to belong to a specific new virus.
When substances such as antibiotics are added to the test tubes in the in vitro experiments carried out for virus detection this then “stresses” the cell culture in a way that new gene sequences are being formed that were not previously detectable.
A virus that has never been isolated has also never been sequenced (and never proven to cause any illness whatsoever). Yet these bogus COVID19 PCR "tests" are sequence based.
PCR technology is inappropriate for diagnostic testing at the best of times, as pointed out by its Nobel Prize winning inventor. To use it in connection with a never-isolated, never-sequenced purely theoretical virus is pure insanity. Any test for a theoretical virus cannot be assessed for accuracy because there is no gold-standard
"...This study reports the full genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 isolated from putative the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) patients in Korea, by cell culture. The isolated SARS-CoV-2 was named BetaCoV/Korea/KCDC03/2020..."
There is no pandemic there never was. The "virus" has never been identified.
The "virus of concern" escaped from the board rooms of Pharma/Biotech/Private Equity firms.
No so-called ‘coronavirus’ has ever been fully isolated, characterized and proven to cause a particular disease in any animal or human studies. They are ALL theoretical, ‘in silico’ computer-models. Period.
‘SARSCoV2’ was itself a “variant” of the ‘SARSCoV1’ template, a theoretical model based on another theoretical model.
Covid is just a massive extortion racket for big pharma and their criminal doctor and public health friends to prevent an illness caused by a virus that does not even exist.
The CDC and their European counterparts are vaccine cartels which are now empowered to “give freedoms” to the “vaccinated.” Virus “variants” are nothing more than new income streams for Pharma corporations.
Vaccine Passports are the Trojan horse for SDG Digital Identity. The vaccine passport is the means, the ends are the complete control of your labor and life. They have been thinking for 30 years about how to bypass people’s resistance to their capital being controlled by a government-oligarchy partnership and people are falling straight into the trap.
We are getting a real time lesson from the Ministry of Truth.
"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth."
(George Orwell, 1984)
There is one name that ought be added especially since he was instrumental in creating the panic around SARS 2003 and MERS: Christian Drosten.
At the end of December, a doctor Jixian Zhang in Wuhan saw two cases of “pneumonia of unknown etiology in a couple" (the most common kind). She freaked out and asked for the son to be hauled in, insisting he was sick, though he felt fine. Another four cases were noticed and signaled in some China CDC surveillance system, leading to the official WHO bulletin on Jan 2.
In parallel, by Dec 31, a gatekeeper group of Western virologists led by Drosten in Berlin were already aware of this. There were thousands of cases of “pneumonia of unknown etiology” across Europe, but they were only interested in the Chinese ones. Drosten’s team developed the FIRST RT PCR test protocol by Jan 13, deciding to go with SARS candidates even before the virus was purportedly "isolated." I don’t know how Drosten GUESSED the other group in China would find a SARS virus, but he did. Damn lucky guess otherwise that hard work would have been for nothing.
Several teams published papers on that first virus sequence. The least sensational team claimed to have isolated and sequenced a "novel coronavirus" from only ONE of the 7 patients. Other teams (including Drosten’s colleagues) who were given access to that genome sequence created the hysteria around bats etc.
There was a certain group of scientists from Europe (mainly UK, Netherlands, Germany), Australia and North America who were the key players behind giving interviews to Western media firstly to sensationalize the threat of the virus and secondly to create the cover-up narrative. Millions of ordinary Chinese people were also scared out of their wits by the Western media hysteria.
Anyone in the free world could have used Drosten’s test protocol on their own pneumonia patients back in January. Europe and North America just sat tight and accused China of weird cultural habits.
Things changed when the stock market crash accelerated even further in February and March. I believe the requirement for mega QE and bank bailouts in early March was one impetus for declaring a pandemic in the OECD. The IMF pushed other countries to follow: "If our ship is sinking, let’s take everyone down with us." Big pharma and assorted pandemic pushers jumped on an opportunity of their own creation which they’ve been planning for many years.
When asked, “Do your electron micrographs show the purified virus?”, the following authors gave the following responses
Study 1: Leo L. M. Poon; Malik Peiris. “Emergence of a novel human coronavirus threatening human health” Nature Medicine, March 2020
Replying Author: Malik Peiris
Date: May 12, 2020
Answer: “The image is the virus budding from an infected cell. It is not purified virus.”
Study 2: Myung-Guk Han et al. “Identification of Coronavirus Isolated from a Patient in Korea with COVID-19”, Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives, February 2020
Replying Author: Myung-Guk Han
Date: May 6, 2020
Answer: “We could not estimate the degree of purification because we do not purify and concentrate the virus cultured in cells.”
Study 3: Wan Beom Park et al. “Virus Isolation from the First Patient with SARS-CoV-2 in Korea”, Journal of Korean Medical Science, February 24, 2020
Replying Author: Wan Beom Park
Date: March 19, 2020
Answer: “We did not obtain an electron micrograph showing the degree of purification.”
Study 4: Na Zhu et al., “A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China”, 2019, New England Journal of Medicine, February 20, 2020
Replying Author: Wenjie Tan
Date: March 18, 2020
Answer: “[We show] an image of sedimented virus particles, not purified ones.”
Hey, could you please share with me the source for those reviews you quote at the end, regarding answers to the question: “Do your electron micrographs show the purified virus?” I would like to review this evidence, please -- thank you!
Ivermectin is an anti-parasite treatment. There are definitely parasites and other pathogens at the root of this disease as well as a lot of other infectious diseases, which is why Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine have been used so widely, frequently and successfully for so long in Africa, India and other countries with hot climates.
Yes, it's claimed that the Cov 2 virus hasn't been isolated much the same as polio, measles, HIV, Zika etc. haven't been either. That being said, early on in the 'pandemic' (some say there's no pandemic either) a researcher posted a video of strands of viral DNA he isolated that showed 2 places where the strand had been cut and other bits inserted..The video disappeared from Youtube within 2 days. In addition, a Chinese expert on bat viruses, said there was no evidence of zoonotic transfer. She then disappeared, now reportedly living in the US.
Viruses have been more recently explained as just cellular waste, called exosomes, not living organisms Could not this cellular waste contain pathogens such as e coli, or parasites though, much the same as waste attracts flies, the medium in which they reproduce? If you've ever been ill after drinking water from a stream, or eating contaminated food, and then gotten immediately well after taking a drug that kills parasites or pathogens you may give the idea of a pathogenic connection more weight. The drugs used successfully in the early stages, (Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Chlorine Dioxide) all kill parasites and other pathogens such as e coli.
Susceptibility to Cov 2 could be due to not only the internal biological environment but also an already weakened energy field of the host. This might explain high mortality in the aged and those with co-morbidities. If, additionally, the pathogen or invading agent is synthetic, or computer generated ,(as the spike protein in the "vaccine" is), and contains a form of graphene (as the vax does also),there may be a strong link to EMFs.
Recently installed (Oct 2019) 5G antennas, loomed both behind the market in Wuhan and on the cruise ship where the first outbreaks of CV2 occurred.
Excellent article! I am a Green supporter and I too am confounded by the Green’s present adherence to the main narrative. Gustav le Bon says “people lose their senses in herds, but regain them slowly, one by one” … so there’s hope? In the meantime, I must say, it really is hard to be around people who have lost their marbles. Of those who are not hypnotized there is also an ideological difference which one would think the Greens would embrace - that is, a rejection of the prevailing mechanistic, reductionist view of human biology which holds that a “vaccine” is better at dealing with this imagined threat than the highly sophisticated biological system we are born with.
Very astute comment! Up until recently I would have expressed the usual disclaimer (I am not an anti-vaxxer) when discussing the Covid shots, but the more I learn about how the human immune system works, the more skeptical I've become about vaccination in general. In any case, the current world-wide obsession with jabbing people is utterly misguided and deluded, and that's putting it mildly.
So true - it’s an obsession it’s all we hear from dr. Henry et. al. (Health “professionals”No other possibilities - no preventive health care, no early treatment, nothing else is ever considered and included in the conversation … and the obsequious journalists … never a challenging question about the narrative they’re parroting.
Agreed, that "prevailing mechanistic, reductionist view of human biology" is the ground that set us up for this trap. David Cayley wrote a remarkable essay on this subject, referencing a similar philosophy, based on the work of Ivan Illych. In case you care to read it:
A remarkable essay for sure, thank you for the link. This hubris of humans is marching along and headed for further reductionism of nature vis a vis the movement (which has some billionaire-y types at the forefront of) called transhumanism. A truly disturbing concept.
Thanks, Gardenia! If you would be interested in joining our private group Canadian Greens Against Mandates, you're welcome to message me on Facebook about it.
The pandemic revealed the true colors of people; nations. Canada, sadly, showed itself to be cruel and all too willing to embrace pseudo-science wallowing in false virtue. Has anyone noticed Justin's descent into appalling lunatic rhetoric? How is this remotely acceptable in an ostensibly civil society? How? Yet, no one is calling him our on such despicable diatribes. It says a lot about Canadian who claim to smugly hold the moral high ground on Americans. Say what you want about Americans, but they're a little more savvy than we are - gullible and obedient. And they sure didn't fall off the Covid deep end like we did with Quebec being the worst.
The day we locked down, I knew this was going to spiral out of control By April I was telling friends and family this was going to be the greatest medical hysteria in history. By the time the insidious and thoroughly anti-science masks mandates came, I said it was a Pandora's Box we would not be able to close. What were officials thinking? Once you let fear set it - our most primal emotion (and masks reminds you of fear - there's no going back. I was told I was being dramatic at every turn. Now here we are. Every single thing so-called conspiracy theorists warned about in MARCH OF 2020 has come true - and we're not done. Know who the conspiracy theorists and purveyors of misinformation have been from day one? Media and the government.
I still recall the look on people's face when I pleaded they don't support lockdowns. By April we had a lot of information suggesting we should calm down. But by then they were convinced the only way out was a vaccine. That's when I knew it was over. I knew the vaccine was not going to be a panacea because from the onset the narrative wasn't making sense. But there was no way to get the message through. People wanted to be deceived. They wanted a 'war' and were ready for the propaganda. People who know and knew me all my life though nothing of calling me a 'granny killer' (as a friend of 45 years told me) and that I was 'selfish'. Even though I was a regular blood donor, gave to various charities and signed my driver's license to donate my organs. They knew I spent a life of being a humanist but it didn't matter. I didn't follow the herd and this was a crime.
Yet, it was THEY who were consenting to crimes against humanity.
What's bizarre is how 30% of the people who are hypnotized managed to gain the political upper hand. They lack confidence in their own critical thinking skills. They demean the fact God gave them will and a mind. They often engage in ad hominen attacks to mask their insecurities. 'Oh, I'm sorry. Are you a doctor or virologist?' No, but they're incapable of grasping doctors and virologists make mistakes and can be quacks too.
Yet, they control our destiny. Somehow, this minority turned 'tyranny of the majority' into 'tyranny of the minority' by getting the so-called 'normies (the people who lazily and cowardly go along) on their side. And politicians preyed on this. Now the fight is to get them to the side of sanity, logic, science and truth.
I'm just appalled and stunned by all this and Canada in particular has greatly disappointed me. Enough for me to leave - nay escape - when the time and opportunity - accords it.
As a dual Canadian/American citizen living in the USA, be assured many States & the people who inhabit them have fallen off the Covid deep end. Thankfully, there is a large dissident movement here that is growing, i.e, the Dr. Robert Malone interview on the Joe Rogan Show podcast has had over 50 million views (podcast on Spotify - need a free account - but there is a recording of the podcast on bitchute.com (no account needed.)
A link I've seen between the countries (including certain USA States) with the most draconian Covid & vaccination policies & willingness to strip individuals of their rights & freedoms all have leaders or spokespeople who have gone through Klaus Schwab's school for Young Global Leaders. Justin Trudeau; Jacinda Ardern, PM of NZ; Emmanuel Macron, President of France; Gavin Newsom, Governor of CA, etc., are all part of this program. This article gives a good rundown on this topic:
Another interesting development, the dissident cohort in the USA pulls from both political parties and across all economic levels. Many people (both sides) are saying they feel politically marooned over this. The Democrats/Left have become deranged totalitarians & the Republicans (with the exception of a few) are weak enablers or asleep at the wheel.
Ouch. That's not good. Heard that and have been mulling it. I also have not liked that hospitals decided to be idiots and not give transplants to unvaccinated people. Wrong is wrong so that tipped the scale for me to not do it when renewal is up.
Hello, I'm also on Vancouver Island - in Victoria. Also was totally on board in the early months - the first year even - with what Bonnie Henry was saying. But I wanted to take a wait-and-see approach on the jabs, given the new platform they were being delivered on, and see if one of the ones on offer seemed like a better choice than the others.
But now? No way - I will live out of a car before I give in to this infringement on our bodily autonomy for no good, data-supported reason. It amazes me how absolutely immovable those who are in Desmet's first third are: I think I've laid everything out really clearly, including studies and the links to them, including interviews with well-respected scientists and doctors. Including the fact that I have known 4 people in my personal circle who have gone to the hospital with adverse reactions (and been essentially gaslit), and I also had Covid in September, and got through it with no serious issues, so I should be considered as good as vacced, but in response? just "Nope, they are safe and effective." And "It's not about you - Get vaccinated!" I am really quite stunned by it!
And disappointed in Elizabeth May. I too had admired her.
I know exactly what you mean Rachel. There really is no reaching this first group in Desmet's breakdown. You could pile 100 studies up in front of them and they would wave it all away and recite their liturgy that you described: "They're safe and effective. Get vaccinated." It is really hopeless to reach those people. Unfortunately "those people" comprise nearly my entire "circle". But that is changing. And I am finding the fellow resisters who are also Green and/or Left, activist, ecosocialist. If you consider yourself Green, you are welcome to contact me on FB about our group Canadian Greens Against Mandates.
Hi Kim, I get a sense it's changing, just from reading the comments section of local news sites. People are starting to consider just accepting and living with the virus, especially the Omicron variant, since they believe that being double vaxxed has provided such a huge amount of protection. I'd rather not burst that bubble, and instead, welcome their push back against Big Gov and Big Pharma.
Hey Rachel, I'm also in Victoria - and I can count on one hand the people I know who are NOT "fully vaccinated". I wonder in the new year if boosters/three shots become the de facto "fully vaccinated", if we will see more locals join this little group of segregated non-compliant. Do you know a number of people who won't get a booster and are beginning to think enough is enough?
I know quite a few - i am in a group that's growing weekly - there must be at least 2 or 300 of us - many are not vaccinated, and some are reluctantly so, and don't want any more, and all are against mandating this. It's not on social media. But there is a link to a site that they have started.
It's so important to find like-minded people so you don't feel all alone in this!
I agree that finding like-minded folks is crucial to solidarity, so I appreciate your reply and the heads up about the group/website! I signed up and hopefully more people become aware of this group.
Thank you for this excellent article. it has coherently pulled together a lot of thoughts that my circle of the Desmet awake 30 have been puzzling over. The demand to be kind has been used as you say in other ideological areas of life particularly in my case I was involved in the push back to transitioning ideology that children have been subject to. I learnt over the last 5 years that this overarching demand that one must be kind IE shut up about any inconvenient truths, is really just a method to shut down debate. I was very interested to hear Jordan Peterson talk about this fairly new form of social control. He suggests that it has come out of the domestic setting, where yes it is appropriate and has been applied to institutions in an inappropriate manner. He suggests - and I can see that this is exactly aligned with your arguments - that once you dismantle people's ability to speak the truth and point out problems by telling them they must shut up and 'be kind' you allow a psychopathic energy if not real psychopaths to move in and take advantage to manipulate and to control that population whether that be a local population in a school or in a university or in a wider context, such as we have here in this mass formation. ' Be kind' commands extrapolated into the the entire western world population. This has disabled critical thinking, resistance and allowed the predatory psychopathic businesses, global elite, their institutions and people to move in.
yes, the whole weaponized kindness thing is indeed being used to shut down debate, dissent, critical thought, or at least expression of critical thought. the critical thinkers are presumably still silently doing the thinking. yet for critical thought to reach others, it must be expressed and others must be able to join the conversation to learn and grow. The Red Guards of Kindness are shutting that down.
"It was in my self-interest to support these measures. I was a leukemia patient on immune-suppressing treatment. There were no vaccines. And I hadn’t yet discovered the cheap, effective early treatment protocols."
Hi, Kim. Alan2102z here, from twitter.
Just a quick note to alert you (if you are not already aware) of another cheap easy safe effective way to reduce viral load: topical iodine, namely nasal and mouth rinses with dilute povidone iodine. I was researching it this morning; here are a few links:
Thanks, yes, I am set up with some povidone iodine. It's outrageous really that our public health authorities aren't giving the public even this information.
The annexation of the Left by government has been a very long time in the planning. At the end of the 60's the middle class left had the corporate world somewhat on the back foot. Sandwiched between them and the NVA, the US military industrial complex had to withdraw from Vietnam. Anti-war, pro investigative journalism, pro libertarianism, something had to be done about them. You couldn't shoot them in their beds like the Black Panthers; they were the children of lawyers, doctors - the backbone of the machine.
So, in a wonderful piece of political judo, they were welcomed "into the tent". Issues of environment, race, sexuality were to be addressed by government departments. The issues were taken away from the mass and the streets and put in the hands of lobbyists, who, flattered and privileged, could be far more easily manipulated.
It was evident that nothing could actually be done about their issues. Profit stood against environment; the economy needed a pool of cheap labour - black and white; and sexuality, well that's just attitudes and what can you do about that ?
Another strand was now woven in. It was not only necessary to draw the teeth of the demonstrating demographic. To rule, it is axiomatic that you have to divide. What could be done was to shift the burden of guilt from government - to make it seem that those responsible for their problems were the "deplorables".
The left, under guidance from their lobby groups, now applauded jail for saying "nigger" or "queer". The left of free speech was now being moved in a very different direction. And because it appeared to be a win for their team they didn't notice. In fact the whole issue had moved from debate to team allegiance. The responsibility for wrongdoing had shifted from government to the other half of the population.
The left were now seen, and now felt themselves, allies of government. Trump was a brief and strategic vent for the underdog team.
For 50 years the middle class left, the guardians of the planet, did absolutely nothing. It was being done for them. It only took 20 years to go from Hitler to the Beatles. Should we be surprised at where we are now ? Should we be surprised that they support government/big pharma/Fauci ?
They have been turned upside down and inside out without even noticing.
It's not just government, but the whole political-economic structure. Remember when lefties were against fast food in the early 90s? Now Burger King is wrapping whoppers in rainbow flags.
The left being in support of Pharma's vaccine narrative is nothing new, in reality. For several years prior to the current pandemic, I had been following a local Grateful Dead Tribute band, which has a large following of what most would consider the Left (including Greens). Almost from the get go, once I made my vaccine risk awareness and medical freedom activism known, I became persona non grata among the majority of followers in an FB group. My partner coined the term "Stepford hippies" to describe those who one would think would continue to "Question Authority" but instead, have become the authoritarians most ardent supporters.
Terrific essay! Completely logical, reasonable. I love your ‘educated’ use of language & concepts, as well as the inclusion of verifiable science & data. One of best explanations of mass hypnosis. Sad to read about Elizabeth May, always one of my most admired people, putting herself into the hypnotized group - shows that intelligence is not necessarily a criteria for being able to perceive propaganda & dangerous authoritarian manipulation.
Thank you Pat! I too was surprised and disappointed with the irrational recoil reaction I got from Elizabeth May. I too have always admired her. But this mass hypnosis is powerful stuff!
Great piece and solid analysis. I would only add that the breaking of the left started much, much earlier than 2020 and a little pep talk collectivizing basic barrier techniques and experimental drugs was more feeding them talking points than conditioning them, as their capture had already effectively been made. This was a decade long effort to turn the "Occupy" left into the good little authoritarians we see today. We've done probably hundreds of hours of content on it over the last two years.
Thank you for this article. "Weaponized kindness" - that's a keeper. I knew it was going on but I didn't have that wording. I grew up being told it costs nothing to be kind to others and that used to be true. Now it's something different. It's always one-sided and demanding.
Very early on in the Covid era I saw a short video interviewing Wolfgang Wordarg, German pulmonologist and former member of Parliament. Soon after. I saw a video of Sucharit Bhakdi, physician and retired professor of microbiology. What they were saying and what was seeing in the world around me fit together: there was no terrifying pandemic contagion that was going to kill me and everyone around me. It was really Chicken Little on a mass scale. Everything I've learned about the test, how it was created and how it was used only made sense if the intention was to deceive for some purpose other than public health.
Good luck and best wishes for the New Year. Stay strong.
I figured the "weaponized kindness" thing watching a lot of the hippies in my small Colorado mountain town turn into frothing-at-the-mouth totalitarians last year, using fake "kindness" and "empathy" as forms of aggression. They consider anyone who questions the narrative to be not a "caring" person like themselves.
The Left and the Greens particularly don't completely understand what sustainability and "Green" means . Our bodies are not separate from the rest of nature. Why is organic, regenerative, and non-gmo agriculture supported but synthetic gmo based medicine accepted? There's nothing natural about toxic, poison laden, gene editing shots. Furthermore, the polyethylene glycol (PEG) contained in these vaccines in particular is recorded as being the cause of anaphylaxis in the Pfizer shot:
Then there's the problem of a known poison - graphene- both oxide and hydroxide, also having been discovered in them.
Perhaps it's not particularly Mass Formation Psychosis that is the issue here, as many intelligent socially well-connected people living purposeful lives have "drunk the kool-aid". It could be that we've all been hypnotized from birth onwards to unquestioningly accept that MDs are gods and pharmaceuticals, even though we know they bring terrible 'side effects' are what our bodies and minds need to heal. We're even financially rewarded through our health insurance programs to support this system. Anyone questioning it or choosing a different route is penalized. The problem is systemic and the Greens among others in the Left signed on to this one long ago.
Yes, that aspect of the unGreen approach of the "Greens" to the pandemic really disturbs me. Most of us Greens not vaxxing are doing so because of our commitment to an organic existence at all levels - in our bodies and across our societies
That moment of encounter (and reckoning) with Elizabeth May that you share above on the record -- precious! Thank you, Kim, for embracing that moment and recording that moment, here. It is a revelatory scene.
I've come around lately to thinking we are actually *lucky* to have come through this episode, as it exposes those (like Elizabeth) to be not who we thought they were. And we can know for sure not only that they are not our allies, but how quickly they would throw us under the bus.
Thanks! It was a rather telling moment - the Elizabeth May encounter. Surprised me. But I had not yet realized how insane and frenzied people had already become around the perceived need to force-inject everyone.
I see that much of the "liberal" establishment has gone from being liberal to being authoritarian.
Sometimes I make headway when I remind people our news media (here in the US) is largely funded by pharmaceutical advertising, and the experts they select often have financial ties to those companies, and that government entities and scientific research are influenced by lobbyists for relevant businesses.
Perhaps a billboard campaign would reach more people who are stuck in the mass media bubble. It could point out these relationships - media funded by pharmaceutical and medical device companies, experts with ties to those companies - and ask people if they trust pharmaceutical companies.
there's that great twitter video mashup of one Pfizer ad/sponsorship after another on every TV news show in the US. That's very effective at making the point.
Very thoughtful article. I will find more from Desmet. I am not a Green supporter, but I am following you here on Substack to learn more about how you reconcile liberty with Green positions. If you have not read RFK Jr's The Real Anthony Fauci, I highly recommend it.
If you are willing to kick over the beehive of modern liberalism you will see the true face and the true nature of the ruling class war against the people with crystal clarity.
If one attempts to understand the last 18 months through the lens of a "viral event" they are forever trapped in a world of contradictions and outright lies.
The manufactured perception that there was such an event is an artifact of mass media manipulation, behavioral conditioning techniques and social engineering. All of this has been made possible through institutional programming and accelerated media messaging disallowing basic cognitive processes and eliminating critical thinking possibilities.
“Covid19” is a crime scene operation not a “pandemic”.
The overwhelming evidence that “Covid19” is a massive scam has been at everyone’s fingertips this entire time. Just because the "true believers" of the Covid operation can’t figure this out by now doesn’t make me a “conspiracy theorist”—it makes them a simpleton of the lowest order.
The Pharma ghouls and their investors do not care how many people die. They do not care how many people get hurt. All that matters is protecting the “vaccine narrative.” That narrative is worth trillions of dollars and it’s the key to the largest power grab in human history.
Pharma is the principle racket today, even more so than the military-industrial complex and it is
tightly controlled by the financial aristocracy.
The government, Big Pharma, and central banks are using the excuse of a “virus” to hide from the fact that they’re assaulting us on all fronts. And millions of people are signing up for a poisonous, experimental gene therapy believing it’ll protect them from a make-believe virus.
"Covid-19" has never been about an epidemiological emergency it is about the collapse of the financial system.
“Covid19” is designed for:
1) Redistribution of wealth aka THEFT (from the poor and middle class to the insanely rich);
2) Fear-induced digital enslavement- The Great Reset/4th IR;
3) Pharma making trillions in profit and introduction of mRNA gravy train;
4) Constant bailouts for the financial sector;
5) Entrenchment of the Bio-Security State;
Rather than focus on the manufactured in silico "disease" best to focus on the crimes such as but not limited to:
1) Largest transfer of wealth to investor class in history- theft of tax dollars;
2) Slaughter of elderly in care homes through forced improper medical protocols;
3) Destruction of millions of businesses through illegal policies;
4) Fraudulent trials and marketing of experimental medical product;
5) Reckless endangerment of the public through forced inoculations;
6) Media manipulation of public using illegal fear tactics to induce compliance;
This is not going to stop until people make it stop. These governments know full well that “Covid” is being used as cover for crashing the economies in the Western world. There is not now and never has been a “pandemic”- that is all Kabuki theater to disguise the reality of the rapid economic decline brought on by the Ponzi Schemes of financial institutions over the past few decades.
I agree with everything that you say EXCEPT, you imply that there is no virus, just an in silico fabrication. There is a virus. Hundreds of studies have been done on it and its grandchildren. It has been seen, cultivated, manipulated, and probed. Trustworthy doctors have treated thousands of people sick with covid, most of them using banned drugs which work. The state of Uttar Pradesh has practically eradicated the disease with ivermectin. They changed the definition of pandemic to exclude widespread fatality, so covid meets the new definition of merely extensive transmission. The numbers have been manipulated, mostly by bribery, in order to induce fear, and everything about it, except that there is an extant viral disease which can be, but doesn't have to be either serious or fatal, and affects only the elderly and those with severe comorbidities, is a hoax.
Can you send me one study where the virus has been purified and has been taken from a live patient.
If the particles that are claimed to be to be SARS-CoV-2 have not been purified the RNA gene sequences of these particles cannot be said to belong to a specific new virus.
When substances such as antibiotics are added to the test tubes in the in vitro experiments carried out for virus detection this then “stresses” the cell culture in a way that new gene sequences are being formed that were not previously detectable.
A virus that has never been isolated has also never been sequenced (and never proven to cause any illness whatsoever). Yet these bogus COVID19 PCR "tests" are sequence based.
PCR technology is inappropriate for diagnostic testing at the best of times, as pointed out by its Nobel Prize winning inventor. To use it in connection with a never-isolated, never-sequenced purely theoretical virus is pure insanity. Any test for a theoretical virus cannot be assessed for accuracy because there is no gold-standard
(the virus itself).
How about this one --
"...This study reports the full genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 isolated from putative the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) patients in Korea, by cell culture. The isolated SARS-CoV-2 was named BetaCoV/Korea/KCDC03/2020..."
There is no pandemic there never was. The "virus" has never been identified.
The "virus of concern" escaped from the board rooms of Pharma/Biotech/Private Equity firms.
No so-called ‘coronavirus’ has ever been fully isolated, characterized and proven to cause a particular disease in any animal or human studies. They are ALL theoretical, ‘in silico’ computer-models. Period.
‘SARSCoV2’ was itself a “variant” of the ‘SARSCoV1’ template, a theoretical model based on another theoretical model.
Covid is just a massive extortion racket for big pharma and their criminal doctor and public health friends to prevent an illness caused by a virus that does not even exist.
The CDC and their European counterparts are vaccine cartels which are now empowered to “give freedoms” to the “vaccinated.” Virus “variants” are nothing more than new income streams for Pharma corporations.
Vaccine Passports are the Trojan horse for SDG Digital Identity. The vaccine passport is the means, the ends are the complete control of your labor and life. They have been thinking for 30 years about how to bypass people’s resistance to their capital being controlled by a government-oligarchy partnership and people are falling straight into the trap.
We are getting a real time lesson from the Ministry of Truth.
"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."
"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth."
(George Orwell, 1984)
There is one name that ought be added especially since he was instrumental in creating the panic around SARS 2003 and MERS: Christian Drosten.
At the end of December, a doctor Jixian Zhang in Wuhan saw two cases of “pneumonia of unknown etiology in a couple" (the most common kind). She freaked out and asked for the son to be hauled in, insisting he was sick, though he felt fine. Another four cases were noticed and signaled in some China CDC surveillance system, leading to the official WHO bulletin on Jan 2.
In parallel, by Dec 31, a gatekeeper group of Western virologists led by Drosten in Berlin were already aware of this. There were thousands of cases of “pneumonia of unknown etiology” across Europe, but they were only interested in the Chinese ones. Drosten’s team developed the FIRST RT PCR test protocol by Jan 13, deciding to go with SARS candidates even before the virus was purportedly "isolated." I don’t know how Drosten GUESSED the other group in China would find a SARS virus, but he did. Damn lucky guess otherwise that hard work would have been for nothing.
Several teams published papers on that first virus sequence. The least sensational team claimed to have isolated and sequenced a "novel coronavirus" from only ONE of the 7 patients. Other teams (including Drosten’s colleagues) who were given access to that genome sequence created the hysteria around bats etc.
There was a certain group of scientists from Europe (mainly UK, Netherlands, Germany), Australia and North America who were the key players behind giving interviews to Western media firstly to sensationalize the threat of the virus and secondly to create the cover-up narrative. Millions of ordinary Chinese people were also scared out of their wits by the Western media hysteria.
Anyone in the free world could have used Drosten’s test protocol on their own pneumonia patients back in January. Europe and North America just sat tight and accused China of weird cultural habits.
Things changed when the stock market crash accelerated even further in February and March. I believe the requirement for mega QE and bank bailouts in early March was one impetus for declaring a pandemic in the OECD. The IMF pushed other countries to follow: "If our ship is sinking, let’s take everyone down with us." Big pharma and assorted pandemic pushers jumped on an opportunity of their own creation which they’ve been planning for many years.
When asked, “Do your electron micrographs show the purified virus?”, the following authors gave the following responses
Study 1: Leo L. M. Poon; Malik Peiris. “Emergence of a novel human coronavirus threatening human health” Nature Medicine, March 2020
Replying Author: Malik Peiris
Date: May 12, 2020
Answer: “The image is the virus budding from an infected cell. It is not purified virus.”
Study 2: Myung-Guk Han et al. “Identification of Coronavirus Isolated from a Patient in Korea with COVID-19”, Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives, February 2020
Replying Author: Myung-Guk Han
Date: May 6, 2020
Answer: “We could not estimate the degree of purification because we do not purify and concentrate the virus cultured in cells.”
Study 3: Wan Beom Park et al. “Virus Isolation from the First Patient with SARS-CoV-2 in Korea”, Journal of Korean Medical Science, February 24, 2020
Replying Author: Wan Beom Park
Date: March 19, 2020
Answer: “We did not obtain an electron micrograph showing the degree of purification.”
Study 4: Na Zhu et al., “A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China”, 2019, New England Journal of Medicine, February 20, 2020
Replying Author: Wenjie Tan
Date: March 18, 2020
Answer: “[We show] an image of sedimented virus particles, not purified ones.”
Hey, could you please share with me the source for those reviews you quote at the end, regarding answers to the question: “Do your electron micrographs show the purified virus?” I would like to review this evidence, please -- thank you!
Ivermectin is an anti-parasite treatment. There are definitely parasites and other pathogens at the root of this disease as well as a lot of other infectious diseases, which is why Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine have been used so widely, frequently and successfully for so long in Africa, India and other countries with hot climates.
Yes, it's claimed that the Cov 2 virus hasn't been isolated much the same as polio, measles, HIV, Zika etc. haven't been either. That being said, early on in the 'pandemic' (some say there's no pandemic either) a researcher posted a video of strands of viral DNA he isolated that showed 2 places where the strand had been cut and other bits inserted..The video disappeared from Youtube within 2 days. In addition, a Chinese expert on bat viruses, said there was no evidence of zoonotic transfer. She then disappeared, now reportedly living in the US.
Viruses have been more recently explained as just cellular waste, called exosomes, not living organisms Could not this cellular waste contain pathogens such as e coli, or parasites though, much the same as waste attracts flies, the medium in which they reproduce? If you've ever been ill after drinking water from a stream, or eating contaminated food, and then gotten immediately well after taking a drug that kills parasites or pathogens you may give the idea of a pathogenic connection more weight. The drugs used successfully in the early stages, (Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Chlorine Dioxide) all kill parasites and other pathogens such as e coli.
Susceptibility to Cov 2 could be due to not only the internal biological environment but also an already weakened energy field of the host. This might explain high mortality in the aged and those with co-morbidities. If, additionally, the pathogen or invading agent is synthetic, or computer generated ,(as the spike protein in the "vaccine" is), and contains a form of graphene (as the vax does also),there may be a strong link to EMFs.
Recently installed (Oct 2019) 5G antennas, loomed both behind the market in Wuhan and on the cruise ship where the first outbreaks of CV2 occurred.
Excellent article! I am a Green supporter and I too am confounded by the Green’s present adherence to the main narrative. Gustav le Bon says “people lose their senses in herds, but regain them slowly, one by one” … so there’s hope? In the meantime, I must say, it really is hard to be around people who have lost their marbles. Of those who are not hypnotized there is also an ideological difference which one would think the Greens would embrace - that is, a rejection of the prevailing mechanistic, reductionist view of human biology which holds that a “vaccine” is better at dealing with this imagined threat than the highly sophisticated biological system we are born with.
Very astute comment! Up until recently I would have expressed the usual disclaimer (I am not an anti-vaxxer) when discussing the Covid shots, but the more I learn about how the human immune system works, the more skeptical I've become about vaccination in general. In any case, the current world-wide obsession with jabbing people is utterly misguided and deluded, and that's putting it mildly.
So true - it’s an obsession it’s all we hear from dr. Henry et. al. (Health “professionals”No other possibilities - no preventive health care, no early treatment, nothing else is ever considered and included in the conversation … and the obsequious journalists … never a challenging question about the narrative they’re parroting.
Agreed, that "prevailing mechanistic, reductionist view of human biology" is the ground that set us up for this trap. David Cayley wrote a remarkable essay on this subject, referencing a similar philosophy, based on the work of Ivan Illych. In case you care to read it:
A remarkable essay for sure, thank you for the link. This hubris of humans is marching along and headed for further reductionism of nature vis a vis the movement (which has some billionaire-y types at the forefront of) called transhumanism. A truly disturbing concept.
Thanks, Gardenia! If you would be interested in joining our private group Canadian Greens Against Mandates, you're welcome to message me on Facebook about it.
The pandemic revealed the true colors of people; nations. Canada, sadly, showed itself to be cruel and all too willing to embrace pseudo-science wallowing in false virtue. Has anyone noticed Justin's descent into appalling lunatic rhetoric? How is this remotely acceptable in an ostensibly civil society? How? Yet, no one is calling him our on such despicable diatribes. It says a lot about Canadian who claim to smugly hold the moral high ground on Americans. Say what you want about Americans, but they're a little more savvy than we are - gullible and obedient. And they sure didn't fall off the Covid deep end like we did with Quebec being the worst.
The day we locked down, I knew this was going to spiral out of control By April I was telling friends and family this was going to be the greatest medical hysteria in history. By the time the insidious and thoroughly anti-science masks mandates came, I said it was a Pandora's Box we would not be able to close. What were officials thinking? Once you let fear set it - our most primal emotion (and masks reminds you of fear - there's no going back. I was told I was being dramatic at every turn. Now here we are. Every single thing so-called conspiracy theorists warned about in MARCH OF 2020 has come true - and we're not done. Know who the conspiracy theorists and purveyors of misinformation have been from day one? Media and the government.
I still recall the look on people's face when I pleaded they don't support lockdowns. By April we had a lot of information suggesting we should calm down. But by then they were convinced the only way out was a vaccine. That's when I knew it was over. I knew the vaccine was not going to be a panacea because from the onset the narrative wasn't making sense. But there was no way to get the message through. People wanted to be deceived. They wanted a 'war' and were ready for the propaganda. People who know and knew me all my life though nothing of calling me a 'granny killer' (as a friend of 45 years told me) and that I was 'selfish'. Even though I was a regular blood donor, gave to various charities and signed my driver's license to donate my organs. They knew I spent a life of being a humanist but it didn't matter. I didn't follow the herd and this was a crime.
Yet, it was THEY who were consenting to crimes against humanity.
What's bizarre is how 30% of the people who are hypnotized managed to gain the political upper hand. They lack confidence in their own critical thinking skills. They demean the fact God gave them will and a mind. They often engage in ad hominen attacks to mask their insecurities. 'Oh, I'm sorry. Are you a doctor or virologist?' No, but they're incapable of grasping doctors and virologists make mistakes and can be quacks too.
Yet, they control our destiny. Somehow, this minority turned 'tyranny of the majority' into 'tyranny of the minority' by getting the so-called 'normies (the people who lazily and cowardly go along) on their side. And politicians preyed on this. Now the fight is to get them to the side of sanity, logic, science and truth.
I'm just appalled and stunned by all this and Canada in particular has greatly disappointed me. Enough for me to leave - nay escape - when the time and opportunity - accords it.
Canada is a fraud.
As a dual Canadian/American citizen living in the USA, be assured many States & the people who inhabit them have fallen off the Covid deep end. Thankfully, there is a large dissident movement here that is growing, i.e, the Dr. Robert Malone interview on the Joe Rogan Show podcast has had over 50 million views (podcast on Spotify - need a free account - but there is a recording of the podcast on (no account needed.)
A link I've seen between the countries (including certain USA States) with the most draconian Covid & vaccination policies & willingness to strip individuals of their rights & freedoms all have leaders or spokespeople who have gone through Klaus Schwab's school for Young Global Leaders. Justin Trudeau; Jacinda Ardern, PM of NZ; Emmanuel Macron, President of France; Gavin Newsom, Governor of CA, etc., are all part of this program. This article gives a good rundown on this topic:
Another interesting development, the dissident cohort in the USA pulls from both political parties and across all economic levels. Many people (both sides) are saying they feel politically marooned over this. The Democrats/Left have become deranged totalitarians & the Republicans (with the exception of a few) are weak enablers or asleep at the wheel.
Excellent post by the way.
You might rethink the organ donation. I have heard that the only usable organs come from the still living.
Ouch. That's not good. Heard that and have been mulling it. I also have not liked that hospitals decided to be idiots and not give transplants to unvaccinated people. Wrong is wrong so that tipped the scale for me to not do it when renewal is up.
Hello, I'm also on Vancouver Island - in Victoria. Also was totally on board in the early months - the first year even - with what Bonnie Henry was saying. But I wanted to take a wait-and-see approach on the jabs, given the new platform they were being delivered on, and see if one of the ones on offer seemed like a better choice than the others.
But now? No way - I will live out of a car before I give in to this infringement on our bodily autonomy for no good, data-supported reason. It amazes me how absolutely immovable those who are in Desmet's first third are: I think I've laid everything out really clearly, including studies and the links to them, including interviews with well-respected scientists and doctors. Including the fact that I have known 4 people in my personal circle who have gone to the hospital with adverse reactions (and been essentially gaslit), and I also had Covid in September, and got through it with no serious issues, so I should be considered as good as vacced, but in response? just "Nope, they are safe and effective." And "It's not about you - Get vaccinated!" I am really quite stunned by it!
And disappointed in Elizabeth May. I too had admired her.
I know exactly what you mean Rachel. There really is no reaching this first group in Desmet's breakdown. You could pile 100 studies up in front of them and they would wave it all away and recite their liturgy that you described: "They're safe and effective. Get vaccinated." It is really hopeless to reach those people. Unfortunately "those people" comprise nearly my entire "circle". But that is changing. And I am finding the fellow resisters who are also Green and/or Left, activist, ecosocialist. If you consider yourself Green, you are welcome to contact me on FB about our group Canadian Greens Against Mandates.
Hi Kim, I get a sense it's changing, just from reading the comments section of local news sites. People are starting to consider just accepting and living with the virus, especially the Omicron variant, since they believe that being double vaxxed has provided such a huge amount of protection. I'd rather not burst that bubble, and instead, welcome their push back against Big Gov and Big Pharma.
Hey Rachel, I'm also in Victoria - and I can count on one hand the people I know who are NOT "fully vaccinated". I wonder in the new year if boosters/three shots become the de facto "fully vaccinated", if we will see more locals join this little group of segregated non-compliant. Do you know a number of people who won't get a booster and are beginning to think enough is enough?
This is a good FB group to find like-minded people in Victoria (like-minded in terms of opposing mandates, that is):
I know quite a few - i am in a group that's growing weekly - there must be at least 2 or 300 of us - many are not vaccinated, and some are reluctantly so, and don't want any more, and all are against mandating this. It's not on social media. But there is a link to a site that they have started.
It's so important to find like-minded people so you don't feel all alone in this!
I agree that finding like-minded folks is crucial to solidarity, so I appreciate your reply and the heads up about the group/website! I signed up and hopefully more people become aware of this group.
Thank you for this excellent article. it has coherently pulled together a lot of thoughts that my circle of the Desmet awake 30 have been puzzling over. The demand to be kind has been used as you say in other ideological areas of life particularly in my case I was involved in the push back to transitioning ideology that children have been subject to. I learnt over the last 5 years that this overarching demand that one must be kind IE shut up about any inconvenient truths, is really just a method to shut down debate. I was very interested to hear Jordan Peterson talk about this fairly new form of social control. He suggests that it has come out of the domestic setting, where yes it is appropriate and has been applied to institutions in an inappropriate manner. He suggests - and I can see that this is exactly aligned with your arguments - that once you dismantle people's ability to speak the truth and point out problems by telling them they must shut up and 'be kind' you allow a psychopathic energy if not real psychopaths to move in and take advantage to manipulate and to control that population whether that be a local population in a school or in a university or in a wider context, such as we have here in this mass formation. ' Be kind' commands extrapolated into the the entire western world population. This has disabled critical thinking, resistance and allowed the predatory psychopathic businesses, global elite, their institutions and people to move in.
yes, the whole weaponized kindness thing is indeed being used to shut down debate, dissent, critical thought, or at least expression of critical thought. the critical thinkers are presumably still silently doing the thinking. yet for critical thought to reach others, it must be expressed and others must be able to join the conversation to learn and grow. The Red Guards of Kindness are shutting that down.
The Red Guards of Kindness is a good term!
"It was in my self-interest to support these measures. I was a leukemia patient on immune-suppressing treatment. There were no vaccines. And I hadn’t yet discovered the cheap, effective early treatment protocols."
Hi, Kim. Alan2102z here, from twitter.
Just a quick note to alert you (if you are not already aware) of another cheap easy safe effective way to reduce viral load: topical iodine, namely nasal and mouth rinses with dilute povidone iodine. I was researching it this morning; here are a few links:
Thanks, yes, I am set up with some povidone iodine. It's outrageous really that our public health authorities aren't giving the public even this information.
The annexation of the Left by government has been a very long time in the planning. At the end of the 60's the middle class left had the corporate world somewhat on the back foot. Sandwiched between them and the NVA, the US military industrial complex had to withdraw from Vietnam. Anti-war, pro investigative journalism, pro libertarianism, something had to be done about them. You couldn't shoot them in their beds like the Black Panthers; they were the children of lawyers, doctors - the backbone of the machine.
So, in a wonderful piece of political judo, they were welcomed "into the tent". Issues of environment, race, sexuality were to be addressed by government departments. The issues were taken away from the mass and the streets and put in the hands of lobbyists, who, flattered and privileged, could be far more easily manipulated.
It was evident that nothing could actually be done about their issues. Profit stood against environment; the economy needed a pool of cheap labour - black and white; and sexuality, well that's just attitudes and what can you do about that ?
Another strand was now woven in. It was not only necessary to draw the teeth of the demonstrating demographic. To rule, it is axiomatic that you have to divide. What could be done was to shift the burden of guilt from government - to make it seem that those responsible for their problems were the "deplorables".
The left, under guidance from their lobby groups, now applauded jail for saying "nigger" or "queer". The left of free speech was now being moved in a very different direction. And because it appeared to be a win for their team they didn't notice. In fact the whole issue had moved from debate to team allegiance. The responsibility for wrongdoing had shifted from government to the other half of the population.
The left were now seen, and now felt themselves, allies of government. Trump was a brief and strategic vent for the underdog team.
For 50 years the middle class left, the guardians of the planet, did absolutely nothing. It was being done for them. It only took 20 years to go from Hitler to the Beatles. Should we be surprised at where we are now ? Should we be surprised that they support government/big pharma/Fauci ?
They have been turned upside down and inside out without even noticing.
Very good assessment, John. Thanks for your insights.
Loved yours too. Great to see someone else fed up wrestling with pronouns when there's far more important things to do.
It's not just government, but the whole political-economic structure. Remember when lefties were against fast food in the early 90s? Now Burger King is wrapping whoppers in rainbow flags.
And the HQ of MI5 in London ! It's so easy to do. The left follow these cues like Pavlov's dogs.
haha! very true!
The left being in support of Pharma's vaccine narrative is nothing new, in reality. For several years prior to the current pandemic, I had been following a local Grateful Dead Tribute band, which has a large following of what most would consider the Left (including Greens). Almost from the get go, once I made my vaccine risk awareness and medical freedom activism known, I became persona non grata among the majority of followers in an FB group. My partner coined the term "Stepford hippies" to describe those who one would think would continue to "Question Authority" but instead, have become the authoritarians most ardent supporters.
"Stepford hippies" - lol!
I find it ironic that Bernie pointed out that pharma runs the media, during the debates only for him and others to fall for the clot shots garbage.
I'm done with either party here, they're both pro system in different aspects
Terrific essay! Completely logical, reasonable. I love your ‘educated’ use of language & concepts, as well as the inclusion of verifiable science & data. One of best explanations of mass hypnosis. Sad to read about Elizabeth May, always one of my most admired people, putting herself into the hypnotized group - shows that intelligence is not necessarily a criteria for being able to perceive propaganda & dangerous authoritarian manipulation.
Thank you Pat! I too was surprised and disappointed with the irrational recoil reaction I got from Elizabeth May. I too have always admired her. But this mass hypnosis is powerful stuff!
Great piece and solid analysis. I would only add that the breaking of the left started much, much earlier than 2020 and a little pep talk collectivizing basic barrier techniques and experimental drugs was more feeding them talking points than conditioning them, as their capture had already effectively been made. This was a decade long effort to turn the "Occupy" left into the good little authoritarians we see today. We've done probably hundreds of hours of content on it over the last two years.
Thank you for this article. "Weaponized kindness" - that's a keeper. I knew it was going on but I didn't have that wording. I grew up being told it costs nothing to be kind to others and that used to be true. Now it's something different. It's always one-sided and demanding.
Very early on in the Covid era I saw a short video interviewing Wolfgang Wordarg, German pulmonologist and former member of Parliament. Soon after. I saw a video of Sucharit Bhakdi, physician and retired professor of microbiology. What they were saying and what was seeing in the world around me fit together: there was no terrifying pandemic contagion that was going to kill me and everyone around me. It was really Chicken Little on a mass scale. Everything I've learned about the test, how it was created and how it was used only made sense if the intention was to deceive for some purpose other than public health.
Good luck and best wishes for the New Year. Stay strong.
Thanks Suz! Yes, the "kindness" thing has really taken an odd turn and is now used like a policeman's truncheon on those who mis-speak.
I figured the "weaponized kindness" thing watching a lot of the hippies in my small Colorado mountain town turn into frothing-at-the-mouth totalitarians last year, using fake "kindness" and "empathy" as forms of aggression. They consider anyone who questions the narrative to be not a "caring" person like themselves.
Maybe those are examples of the "Stepford hippies" Bob Snee describes in a comment further up. lol!
Yes I think you're right!
The Left and the Greens particularly don't completely understand what sustainability and "Green" means . Our bodies are not separate from the rest of nature. Why is organic, regenerative, and non-gmo agriculture supported but synthetic gmo based medicine accepted? There's nothing natural about toxic, poison laden, gene editing shots. Furthermore, the polyethylene glycol (PEG) contained in these vaccines in particular is recorded as being the cause of anaphylaxis in the Pfizer shot:
Then there's the problem of a known poison - graphene- both oxide and hydroxide, also having been discovered in them.
Perhaps it's not particularly Mass Formation Psychosis that is the issue here, as many intelligent socially well-connected people living purposeful lives have "drunk the kool-aid". It could be that we've all been hypnotized from birth onwards to unquestioningly accept that MDs are gods and pharmaceuticals, even though we know they bring terrible 'side effects' are what our bodies and minds need to heal. We're even financially rewarded through our health insurance programs to support this system. Anyone questioning it or choosing a different route is penalized. The problem is systemic and the Greens among others in the Left signed on to this one long ago.
Yes, that aspect of the unGreen approach of the "Greens" to the pandemic really disturbs me. Most of us Greens not vaxxing are doing so because of our commitment to an organic existence at all levels - in our bodies and across our societies
That moment of encounter (and reckoning) with Elizabeth May that you share above on the record -- precious! Thank you, Kim, for embracing that moment and recording that moment, here. It is a revelatory scene.
I've come around lately to thinking we are actually *lucky* to have come through this episode, as it exposes those (like Elizabeth) to be not who we thought they were. And we can know for sure not only that they are not our allies, but how quickly they would throw us under the bus.
It's on them, like a mark, for their lives.
Thanks! It was a rather telling moment - the Elizabeth May encounter. Surprised me. But I had not yet realized how insane and frenzied people had already become around the perceived need to force-inject everyone.
Thank you for your blog!
I see that much of the "liberal" establishment has gone from being liberal to being authoritarian.
Sometimes I make headway when I remind people our news media (here in the US) is largely funded by pharmaceutical advertising, and the experts they select often have financial ties to those companies, and that government entities and scientific research are influenced by lobbyists for relevant businesses.
Perhaps a billboard campaign would reach more people who are stuck in the mass media bubble. It could point out these relationships - media funded by pharmaceutical and medical device companies, experts with ties to those companies - and ask people if they trust pharmaceutical companies.
there's that great twitter video mashup of one Pfizer ad/sponsorship after another on every TV news show in the US. That's very effective at making the point.
Link please
Very thoughtful article. I will find more from Desmet. I am not a Green supporter, but I am following you here on Substack to learn more about how you reconcile liberty with Green positions. If you have not read RFK Jr's The Real Anthony Fauci, I highly recommend it.
I have that book on order. Supposed to arrive Jan 3rd. Really looking forward to it!