That is truly a sad development and one that can only damage a child's development in turn. What happened to simply finding your way in the world? This type of "overreach" is frightening. Thanks for informing us, Kim!

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My heart sinks when I read this. But you have also reminded me of another example of snitch culture, it is here in Quebec where students were told to report any student who spoke English at school. You have political correctness gone mad, we have language laws and language police that enforce using the French language, and it is equivalently mad, insane, evil.

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wow! that is pretty extreme - telling students to report their peers who speak English. All these examples of snitch culture are part of a larger project - a disturbing tilt into authoritarianism.

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Mind boggling and depressing in so many ways. Taking puritanism to a new level. I hope students hold their own dances, as far away as possible from these folks.

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I thank God I went to high school in the '70s when teenagers could be like wild stallions, learning the old-fashioned way: by being immature and making mistakes. Isn't this how we all learn? And believe me, I had to endure a lot more than "hurtful words" growing up in public school, but I still got through it just fine. Aside from the totalitarian aspect to this school's attempt to micro-manage kids, it's contributing to the breeding of more "snowflakes" who don't get a chance to learn for themselves how to negotiate their way in the world. Maybe what they need is a Current Events class with footage from the bombings in Gaza to see what real suffering is.

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They are breaking the law when they spout that lie about the Human Rights Code. Recently Justice Ramsay, a judge in Ontario proclaimed that:

"[3] As counsel for the defendants correctly conceded, the Human Rights Code does not prohibit public discussion of issues related to transgenderism or minors and transgenderism. It does not prohibit public discussion of anything."


We need to point this out to these totalitarians

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Institutions in Canada are so into safety and inclusion that transnational gangsters, spies, money launderers and terrorists are welcome here.

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sometimes snitching is a good thing. Ms Beardo gets exposed as a total conwoman by Karen Davis:


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Kim, I am wondering in these recent days, just how you are doing?

I have appreciated your perspective on our current culture shift. It is indeed alarming.

I would be interested to know what you are thinking, and feeling, about all the hatred that is being played out in our society. My heart goes out to you.

As a senior senior, I no longer recognize my Canada.

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Hi Mary Lou. Thanks for asking. The last 4 years have been challenging. Also very eye-opening for me personally on so many topics. My questioning of official narrative began with Covid, but I now question all of my long-standing and unexamined premises on everything.

At one stage, it was very isolating for me to move out of my 'tribe' and out of the mass formation it has become. But as these past 4 years have gone by, I have come to find much more personal power, clarity and freedom in standing apart from tribe--any tribe. The challenge for me is to not rush into the arms of a counter-tribe in escaping the toxic excesses of my original tribe.

The hatred and division and tribalism that have taken hold of our cultural landscape are very disturbing. But I am now finding a strength in being able to observe that clearly.

Hang in there Mary Lou. And feel free to get in touch by private message too if you want. :)


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